BLU DOC logoBLU DOC is a simple, human-readable, AI-minded, open format to describe any business document. The aim is to simplify and unify the document data exchange between business services.


  • supports multiple document layers like pixels, texts, entities and common essential infos
    describes context, format and contents of a single document
  • includes attributes facilitating AI model outputs and trainings
  • is easy to read
  • provides a generic schema for any document and pre-defined schemas for general business documents like e.g. invoices, etc.
  • defines basic data types and normalization of related values
  • can be extended and customized as needed

Basic Principles


BLU DOC defines a basic, generic structure that can describe any digital document.

One BLU DOC per Document

One BLU DOC represents one document. A BLU DOC descrition of a pdf document including e.g. an invoice and a delivery note requires 2 BLU DOC jsons to describe both documents.Hint: if a file contains multiple documents which belong together (e.g. invoice and delivery note), those additional documents could be handled as "attachments" in the future.

Supports Common Business Documents

Additionally, it provides pre-defined DocumentEssential schemas for general purpose business documents to ease data exchange between companies (e.g. universal schema for invoice, quotations, etc.).

Concise, Readable

BluDoc content and structure is easy to read and understand.


BLU DOC provides a structure. To what extent you use it is up to you, the json schema includes mainly optional elements.

Redundancy is ok

For human readability and ease of processing information within different elements of BLU DOC can be redundant but must be consistent.